Call Center Software

Start working with advanced call center software today to increase efficiency and satisfy your customers.


Communication with customers via web chat or integration with Telegram, WhatsApp Business, Viber, or Messenger.


Business communication for any task. Connecting any SIP communication providers. Deep call analytics. Powerful automation.

Social Networks

Connect your Facebook, Instagram social networks. Monitor comments under publications, communicate in private messages, or respond to comments.


Respond to emails as if they were ordinary chat messages - use templates, attachments, and read receipts.

Omnichannel Cloud Service

Omnichannel Platform combines calls, web chats, email, social networks, messengers, and mobile applications.

Make a Request

Easy Call Center Automation with Oki-Toki!

Call Scripts
Build automatic call processing in our bot builder with speech recognition and synthesis. Connect API for data exchange during the call. With a call script, implement ANY call logic. Don't believe us? We'll prove it :)
Conversation Scripts
Create your sales scripts for different projects, making it easier for agents to handle objections and rejections. Automate routine tasks: callback, sending quotes via email, SMS, notifying the customer about the sale. All this — just one click away for the agent.
Automatic Reports
Use the “Reports” tool to create reports for all necessary cuts. Disable unnecessary indicators, combine important data in one report, observe the dynamics of changes using the “Historical Data” function. There are no limits for your projects' reporting requirements! We are all for it!
Integrations and Webhooks
Configure data exchange with popular services amoCRM, Bitrix24, RetailCRM, etc. If you didn’t find the CRM you need among the ready-made integrations - create a ticket, and the tech support will try to help with a solution as soon as possible.
API for Communication with Other Services
Use our API and connect your CRM, ERP, PDF, and ICQ :) We have not only an extensive and convenient API but also tech support that answers questions :)

Complete Set of Call Center Management Tools

Working with All Types of Calls
автообзвон роботом
Flexible "persistence" of repeat calls choice, "who to call first" from the database. Voice broadcasts by robot.
Голосовые рассылки
Automate routine calls in the call center, entrusting the robot with reminders, notifications, confirmations.
Подключение своей телефонии
Connecting Your or Customer's Telephony
Choose and connect the communication provider whose terms are more beneficial for you.
Автоматический коллбек
Automatic Callback for Missed Calls
Enable automatic callback when a call is missed.
Использование API в звонках
Using API in Calls
Automation of Data Receiving or Transmitting During Calls: names, order data, debts, balances, etc.
Учёт стоимости звонков
Cost Control for Calls
Set the price per minute of conversation, monitor expenses in real-time.
Management and Control of Agents
Анкеты оценки разговоров операторов
Helps organize the process from selecting calls for review to creating reports. Integrated with KPI, scoring, and payroll.
Автоматическая речевая аналитика
Automates conversation analysis, marking in transcripts the points that need attention. Integrated with KPI, scoring, and payroll.
Учет рабочего времени операторов
Agent Working Time Accounting
Monitor the arrival-departure from shifts, presence at the workplace, and agents' occupancy. Integrated with reports and KPI.
Скоринг операторов
Agent Scoring
Using KPIs, assign bonuses and penalties to agents and supervisors. Integrated with payroll.
Измерение KPI по многим параметрам
KPI Measurement by Many Parameters
Automatic control over agents' compliance with plans and standards.
Начисление заработной платы операторов
Calculating Agents' Salaries
Configure salary calculation based on KPIs in the “HR and Payments” tool. It will convert KPI values into salary accrual amounts and organize the accounting of its payment.
Data Security and Access Management
Хранение данных на ваших серверах
Storing Data on Your Servers
We can transfer the database and audio recording storage to your servers. The security of the data will also be your responsibility :)
Управление доступом к данным по проектам
Data Access Management by Projects
Management through rights and roles allows you to restrict access to reports, widgets, call center management, and distribute access between projects.
Журнал действий и изменений
Action and Change Log
Any changes to the project won't go unnoticed, whether it’s deleting a call or changing contact details.
Скрытие номеров от операторов
Hiding Numbers from Agents
Not only numbers can be hidden but any personal information from the database.

Utilize additional tools as needed

Business Chat for Your Website

Oki-Toki Chat — it’s a unified center for handling customer calls and messages on social media, e-mail, website, and messenger apps: WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, Skype.

  • Connect Conferences, Video Conferences and Screen sharing to your chats.
  • Work globally and competently.
  • Expand your telephony functionality.
  • Automate sales and support with chatbots.
  • Manage the quality of chats with KPI, alerts, smart reports and rewards.”

The omnichannel platform brings together calls, web chats, emails, social networks, messengers, and mobile applications. This unified environment is extremely user-friendly, and the combined data creates the perfect conditions for bots – reliable and functional assistants.

  • 5 dial modes: Preview/Callback, Predictive, Progressive, Ultra, Power,
  • flexible settings for the number and interval of attempts,
  • possibility to use in conjunction with the autoinformer,
  • adjusting calls according to the client’s time zone,
  • integration with external CRM,
  • automatic handling of lost calls.
Voice Bot

Auto-agent is a voice robot called Oki-Toki designed to replace agents in routine tasks. It operates on scripts, making it predictable, does not require training, and is ready to work from the moment of creation.

  • Dealing with open and closed-ended questions,
  • Single and multiple-choice, multilingual,
  • Offering “Let’s call you back”,
  • Determining ambiguities and ambiguous responses,
  • Speech synthesis: More than 15 voiceover options
  • Possibility of sending SMS, Email, Viber or Whatsapp messages.
  • Import of dialog from MS Word & Google Docs
  • Dialog metrics,
  • Free recognition of yes/no answers and digits
Voice Broadcasts
  • Recording and setting up standard voice messages and greetings,
  • Automatic customer notifications about debt amount, order, account balance,
  • Integration with external CRM for call usage (addressing the customer by name, etc.),
  • Synthesis and speech recognition for voice messages,
  • Creating dialog scripts with customers using touchtone dialing,
  • Ability to connect your telephony,
  • Schedule of newsletters,
  • Connecting the ‘callback function’.
Conversation Scripts

A tool for systematizing, controlling, and automating client communication processes.

  • Automatic messages to respondents via email or SMS,
  • Automatic notifications for responsible parties or clients, for instance, about a sale or an inquiry,
  • Integration with other CRM for data collection or dispatch during dialogue,
  • Creation of custom conversation scripts templates,
  • Quotas for surveys,
  • Linking answers to contact fields in the card,
  • Training of agents without impacting the statistics of active projects,
  • Individual KPIs for agents and much more.
Speech Analytics

Conversation evaluation, transcripts, and speech analytics – three key Oki-Toki tools that will allow you to control the quality of calls in your call center!

  • automatic selection of audio recording for review,
  • voice distortion to eliminate subjectivity,
  • statistics of agent ratings and the performance of the quality control department,
  • karaoke mode (comparison of audio recording text and highlighting the text during listening),
  • tracking interruptions, pauses, use of obscene language in conversation with customer,
  • tracking the compliance of the application form with the conversation transcript.

Reviews on Oki-Toki from Other Services

Oki-Toki Google Chrome browser


Is the Oki-Toki service omnichannel?

Yes, the Oki-Toki service is an omnichannel platform. It supports integration with popular messengers. More about omnichannel in the Oki-Toki service.

Is there call quality control, call recording, and speech analytics?

Yes, certainly. Automatic control for conversation quality uses speech analytics and surveys in the quality control department. More about survey tools, speech analytics, and transcription.

Is it possible to hide the number from the call center agent?

Yes, of course. Hiding the number is determined by access rights.

Possibility of saving recordings on external storage (own server)?

In the Oki-Toki service, there are tools for automatic export of audio recordings to external storage and quality control of conversations.

Is it possible to make different scripts for different tasks for an agent within the service?

Of course. For each project, you can create your own sales and consultancy scripts. More about conversation scripts.

Which SIP communication providers can be connected to the Oki-Toki service?

Any SIP number or PBX can be connected to the Oki-Toki service using the SIP protocol.

What tools are available for supervisors in Oki-Toki?

The Oki-Toki service has more than 25 tools for the supervisor. Reporting, dashboards, tools for listening in on, and monitoring the work of contact center agents. More about supervisor tools.

Do we assist with setups?

Of course. During the 14 days trial period, a tech support employee is assigned to you, who will help and train you to work in the system.

How does tech support work, can you call if necessary?

Oki-Toki’s tech support operates every day from 10 to 18 hours. The main communication happens through the ticket system inside the personal account. If necessary, you can contact the tech support employee by voice through a convenient communication channel.

Software for Call Center

Capabilities of Call Center Software

Once upon a time, “telephone operators” picked up handsets, dialed numbers, and even switched cords in a switchboard. Now, call center cloud software does all this work with a single mouse click or even without it. Software for call centers is a multitool for agents: it manages calls, sorts clients, and even solves problems with connection. And that’s just the beginning!

When used properly, cloud contact centre software acts like a conductor, managing the flow of incoming calls and ensuring their reliable connection with agents. The capabilities of call centre software cloud include automatic call distribution for chats, integration with CRM and other systems, automation bots, and deep analytics, simplifying the operation of the call center and making it more efficient.

What is Call Center Software and How Can It Help Your Business

Call center software is a complex of technical solutions that helps organizations automate and manage communications with clients. It’s a tool that can tame the entire flow of customer inquiries and turn it from chaos into an orderly system. It’s like a quality mark for your business, ensuring that every client inquiry will be heard and processed on time and with due attention.

Any software consists of 3 main solutions and their derivatives:

Handling all types of calls and chats

Management of Call Center Agents and Work Control

Data Security and Access Management

  • Possibility of storing data on your servers;
  • Distribution of access rights by projects;
  • Action and change log;
  • Hiding numbers and client data from Call Center agents.

As the famous businessman Robert Kiyosaki said: “A business that is not responsive dies.”

Benefits of using Oki-Toki Call Center Software

OKI-TOKI is not just software; it’s your reliable guide in customer service! With OKI-TOKI, you get all the necessary tools for efficient call and chat management, automation of client request processing, and a complete analysis of contact center agent work. It’s like an AI-managed robot that never tires and is always in place.

  • Powerful functionality with 50+ tools;
  • Deep analytics of contact center operations;
  • Modern design and user-friendly management;
  • Highly qualified technical support at all levels.

6 Main Features of Modern Call Center Software

Cloud contact center software is your personal time machine, transporting your business into the future. Virtual call centers, cloud software capabilities, and cutting-edge tools – all these are features of modern call center software. With it, you can easily track KPIs, analyze data, predict trends, and make important decisions. It’s like owning a DeLorean, only without needing to find plutonium!

  1. Cloud data storage;
  2. Integration with social networks;
  3. Artificial intelligence and machine learning for processing customer requests;
  4. Online analytics and reporting in real time;
  5. Automation of processes and tasks.
  6. Multilingual capabilities.

How to Choose the Right Call Center Solution for Your Business Needs

How to choose the perfect “contact centre platform”? It’s like choosing a coat: it should be comfortable, stylish, and meet all your needs. First – start by identifying the problems and tasks you’ve faced, secondly – what additional functionality you need. Our specialists are ready to consult and assist you at any time.

After that, you can make an informed decision and choose our software ?, which will become your faithful partner in the fight for market share!

14 Days Trial Period

Time is our most valuable resource. That’s why we offer you a 14-day trial period. See how our “cloud based contact center software” Oki-Toki transforms your work. After all, as they say, the best way to understand whether something suits you or not is to try it. And who knows, maybe it will be the beginning of a great story in the client service world!

Ready to start creating history with Oki-Toki?