Call Center Manager Tools

Essential tools for contact center managers - real-time monitoring, flexible reporting, and process automation.


Online Monitoring

Many (over 50) indicators for goal management at all levels of your call center. You'll find them where you spend a lot of time: on the dashboard, at the agent's workplace, and in service management.
If you regularly send reports to clients or often travel on business, then use rapports — regular reports with important metrics in traditional form and in postal messages.
Автоматические уведомления
Set up automatic notifications to track critical metrics in the work of the contact center.


Отчеты на любой вкус
The Oki-Toki service includes many reports and metrics: about occupancy, discipline, calls, expenses, dialer work, import, and much more. All reports have a flexible filter, format selection, and API access.
Конструктор отчетов
Try our report builder - Datamixer. Choose only the necessary fields from reports, regularly receive them by email, and share them with your colleagues and clients.
Исторические данные
Using rapports, track the KPI dynamics of the call center for the last 7 periods.
Экспорт данных в Excel
In Oki-Toki service, any report can be exported to Excel.
Отчеты на почту
Using the Datamixer and Rapports (Smart Reports) tools, you can regularly send reports to yourself, colleagues, and clients.
Интеграция по API
Use our API and connect your CRM, ERP, PDF, and ICQ :) We offer not only an extensive and convenient API but also customer support that answers questions. :)

Contact Center Automation Tools

Скоринг операторов
Automatic control over the fulfillment of plans and standards by agents.
Автоматическая речевая аналитика
Automates conversation analysis by marking in transcripts the points that require attention. Integrated with KPI, scoring, and salary.
Анкеты оценки разговоров операторов
Organize the process from creating a questionnaire and selecting calls to creating reports. Integrated with KPI, scoring, and salary.
Начисление заработной платы операторов
Set up the salary calculation based on KPI in the "accounts and payments" tool. It will translate KPI values into salary accrual amounts and organize payment accounting.
Учет рабочего времени операторов
Control the start and end of work, presence at the workplace, and agents' occupancy. Integration with reports and KPI.
Бонусы и штрафы
Using KPI, award bonuses and fines to agents and supervisors. The tool is integrated with salary accounting.

Utilize additional tools as needed

Speech Analytics

Conversation evaluation, transcripts, and speech analytics – three key Oki-Toki tools that will allow you to control the quality of calls in your call center!

  • automatic selection of audio recording for review,
  • voice distortion to eliminate subjectivity,
  • statistics of agent ratings and the performance of the quality control department,
  • karaoke mode (comparison of audio recording text and highlighting the text during listening),
  • tracking interruptions, pauses, use of obscene language in conversation with customer,
  • tracking the compliance of the application form with the conversation transcript.
Tools for the IT Department

Essential tools for IT departments in contact centers include APIs, webhooks, automation, logging, and data backup.

Service Management

Browser only. High availability. Scalability.

Data Security and Access Management

Hosting on your servers. Access management. Access and change logs.


APIs. Webhooks. Ready-made Integrations.

Reviews on Oki-Toki from Other Services

Oki-Toki Google Chrome browser

Contact Center Manager Tools

A call center manager plays a crucial role in managing a team of agents and ensuring a high level of customer service. Various tools are necessary for the effective work of a call center manager:

CRM System

This software allows the call center manager to manage the customer database, their contact information, and the history of inquiries. The CRM system also provides information about the company’s products and services and allows tracking employee performance.

Calendar and Schedule

It is important for the call center manager to know when managers are working and what tasks they need to complete. The calendar and schedule help plan the team’s work schedule and control task execution.


The call center manager must monitor their team’s performance and track metrics such as response time, call duration, and customer satisfaction levels, call center agents’ kpi, etc. Reports, which can be generated in the CRM system or other specialized tools, are necessary for this.

Monitoring System

With a monitoring system, the call center manager can track the work of agents in real time and provide feedback to improve customer service quality.

Training Materials

The call center manager must have access to various training materials, such as courses and training on team management and customer service, to help agents improve their skills and enhance service quality.

Communication Tools

The call center manager must have access to various contact types of center communication tools with the team of agents, such as email, chats, and internal messaging systems.

Overall, the call center manager must have access to a wide range of tools to effectively manage their team.

Reports for every taste in Oki-Toki

Oki-Toki service is a comprehensive solution for organizing the work of call centers.

It allows maximally efficient management of the process of handling incoming and outgoing calls, as well as controlling the work of agents and analyzing their performance.

One of the main advantages of the service is the availability of numerous reports and metrics that provide complete information about the work of the call center and its employees. Using call center quality control tools, you can generate the report you need. For example, an occupancy report, which shows how much time each agent spends in the state of “busy”, “away”, or “out of queue”. This ensures that employees are not idle and use their working time as efficiently as possible.

Also, the service provides discipline reports, which reflect how well agents adhere to the work rules in the call center. This is important to ensure high-quality customer service and maintain the company’s reputation.

Call reports allow obtaining comprehensive information about each call, including its duration, queue waiting time, subscriber number, etc. This helps identify problematic areas in the call center’s work and improve service quality.

Moreover, Oki-Toki provides expense reports, which reflect the costs of telephony, agent services, and other expenses associated with the operation of the call center. This allows control of costs and optimizing them.

An important function of the service is the operation of the dialer, which allows automatically dialing customers and conducting surveys, gathering information about new products and services, and conducting marketing research. Reports on the dialer’s work enable analyzing the effectiveness of this function and determining how much it helps the company achieve its goals.

International Call Center Indicators

The Oki-Toki service provides opportunities not only for domestic but also for organizing international call centers. In this case, special international indicators are used to assess the work of the call center on an international level.

Let’s look at some of these international indicators:

  • First Call Resolution (FCR). This indicator shows the percentage of calls that were resolved by the agent the first time around. The higher the FCR, the better the call center’s performance, as it indicates that agents are effectively solving customer problems.
  • Average Handle Time (AHT). This indicator shows the average time an agent spends handling a call. The shorter this time, the more efficient the call center operates.
  • Service Level Agreement (SLA). This indicator shows the percentage of calls that should be accepted by an agent within a certain time (for example, within 30 seconds). The higher this percentage, the better the call center operates, as it indicates that customers are quickly getting answers to their question or resolving their issue.
  • Customer Satisfaction (CSAT). This indicator shows the level of customer satisfaction with the call center’s work. It can be measured in various ways, for example, through surveys conducted after each call or through online surveys. The higher this indicator, the better the call center operates.
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS). This indicator shows how likely it is that customers will recommend the company to their friends or colleagues. It is measured through surveys asked of customers after each call. The higher this indicator, the better the call center operates and the greater the likelihood that customers will recommend the company to other people.
  • Abandoned Call Rate (ACR) – this indicator reflects the percentage of calls that were terminated by the customer before the agent answered them. This indicator is one of the key metrics for evaluating the effectiveness of the call center, as it allows assessing customer satisfaction levels and the efficiency of agent work.
  • Average Speed of Answer (ASA). This indicator shows the average time customers spend in the queue, waiting for an agent’s response. The shorter this time, the better the call center operates.
  • Occupancy Rate. This indicator shows how busy agents are during the workday. It is measured as the ratio of time that agents spend in a “working” state to the total working day time. The higher the agents’ occupancy, the more efficiently the call center operates.
  • Average Abandonment Rate (AAR). This indicator shows the average number of calls that are interrupted by customers during the workday. The fewer this number, the better the call center operates.
  • Contact Quality. This indicator shows how well agents communicate with customers. It is measured using an analysis of call audio recordings and can include parameters such as clarity of speech, level of empathy, the number of questions asked by the agent, etc. The higher the contact quality level, the more likely customers are to be satisfied with the service.
  • Customer Effort Score (CES). This indicator shows how easily customers were able to solve their problem or get an answer to their question. It is measured through surveys conducted after each call and can be used to assess the effectiveness of the call center’s work.
  • Service Availability. This indicator shows how available the service is to customers. It is measured as the ratio of time during which the service was available to customers to the total time of the call center’s operation. The higher the service availability level, the more efficiently the call center operates.

KPI Metrics for Call Centers

The Oki-Toki service is a platform for organizing call centers and provides various contact center tools for optimizing agents’ work and improving customer service quality. As part of this platform, various Key Performance Indicator (KPI) metrics are available, which help assess the work of the call center and its employees.

Let’s consider the main call center and support kpi:

Average waiting time in queue

This metric shows how much time customers spend waiting for a response from an agent. The less this time, the better, as customers can get an answer to their question or solve their problem more quickly.

Average talk time with a customer

This metric shows how much time an agent spends talking to a customer. The less this time, the more calls an agent can handle during a certain period.

Number of missed calls

This metric reflects the number of calls that were not picked up by an agent. The fewer this number, the higher the efficiency of the call center.

Success call percentage

This metric shows the percentage of calls in which the customer received an answer to their question or solved their problem. The higher this percentage, the higher the level of customer satisfaction.

Number of calls handled per time unit

This metric shows how many calls an agent can handle over a certain period. The higher this number, the more efficiently the call center operates.

Customer service level

This metric reflects how quickly and efficiently agents solve customers’ problems. The higher the customer service level, the higher their satisfaction and loyalty to the company.

Repeat call percentage

This metric shows how many calls are made by a single customer. The lower this percentage, the better, as it indicates that agents effectively solve customers’ problems and prevent repeated calls.

Break duration

This metric shows how much time agents spend on breaks. The less this time, the more time agents can dedicate to call handling and solving customer problems.

Smart Report “Rapports”

Rapports, an effective report on the key indicators of the contact center, is one of the main reports of the Oki-Toki service, which provides an opportunity to assess the work of the call center and its employees, kpi effectiveness of the call center manager,

and also identify key problems and potential areas for improvement. Reports can be generated based on various parameters, such as the waiting time for an agent’s response, number of calls, rating of agents, call center KPI, etc.

Rapports in Oki-Toki can be used for a number of tasks:

Performance Monitoring

Reports allow assessing how effectively agents work and compare their performance at different times. For example, you can track the average talk time with a customer, the average waiting time for an agent’s response, and other indicators.

Problem Analysis

Reports can help identify problems faced by customers. For example, if many calls are interrupted before an agent answers, it may be related to long waiting times. Using reports will allow identifying issues and taking action to fix them.

Work Planning

Reports can be used for planning the work of the call center and allocating resources. For example, if reports show that most calls occur at a certain time of day, you can plan the work of agents based on this information.

Improving Customer Service Quality

Reports can help identify areas where the quality of customer service can be improved. For example, if reports show that customers often contact with the same question, you can develop a special knowledge base so agents can quickly and efficiently respond to this question.

Reports in Oki-Toki can be customized and adapted for specific business needs, making them a convenient and effective tool for monitoring and managing the work of the call center.

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