Cost of Oki-Toki tools

Calculate the cost of the cloud service for your call center or task using the calculator.

Paying for Oki-Toki is beneficial!

At Oki-Toki, there is no single price for everyone. Each client pays as much as they use.


Pay for what you use

Free weekends and per-day payment for used services - that's what you need. In our service, you only pay for what you use!


Bonus for large top-ups

Top-up for 1,000 EUR, bonus +100 EUR. Top-up for 2,000 EUR, bonus + 250 EUR. Top-up for 3,000 EUR, bonus + 400 EUR.



If you can't top up your Oki-Toki account, you can always take a loan, which will be enough for a week of work.



Services are provided under a service agreement. Payment by bank transfer or Visa/MasterCard. Documents sent via EDM.

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Call center price from Oki-Toki cloud service

Setting up a call center from scratch is a rather lengthy, complicated, and costly process. The old way of setting up a turnkey call center involves purchasing software licenses, servers (at least 2), IP phones, as well as project preparation, deployment, integration development, technical support, and many unpredictable factors. Because of this, the return on investment in the contact center can take several years.

A modern alternative to this approach is Oki-Toki, a cloud call center, the cost of setup and launch of which is significantly lower. In addition, the prices for setting up a call center from scratch in the cloud are quite transparent and depend only on actual usage volumes and selected functionalities. Access to the service is possible from PCs and modern gadgets, allowing for savings on equipment purchases.

Oki-Toki call center cost

To calculate the cost of creating a call center from scratch optimized for your tasks, you can use a special calculator. When calculating, the following parameters should be considered:

  • The number of working days in a week;
  • Whether the software will be used on weekends;
  • The maximum number of workstations on a weekend and on a weekday;
  • What volume of storage for MP3 recordings is needed (10 GB by default);
  • The number of calls using the dialer (up to 500 per day – free of charge);
  • The number of API & Webhooks calls (up to 500 per day – free of charge);
  • The number of GSM gateways with your SIM cards
  • Premium feature: Accounting for the client’s time zone;
  • Premium feature: Connecting the SMS sending service;
  • Premium feature: Personal domain.

Benefits of a cloud call center

In the Oki-Toki cloud call center, the client pays only for the used features and services. With significant volumes of work, costs are higher, but if there are very few calls, expenses will be only 15 EUR. In any case, the price of a turnkey call center is predictable and accurate. Also, Oki-Toki users can:

  • Use bonus funds to pay for any tools;
  • Take a loan for a week, if for some reason there is no possibility to replenish the account;
  • Obtain services under a service agreement, paying with Visa/MasterCard;
  • Receive documents through Electronic Document Management (EDM).

How to start using Oki-Toki

To start using Oki-Toki, simply fill out the form at: Contacts. It’s advisable to choose a telecom service provider in advance. You can combine SIM and SIP numbers to reduce costs of calls to mobile numbers. After that, you can proceed to organize workstations for managers.

For the first 14 days of use, the cost of a call center for an online store or another company is zero. We have ready-made solutions for law and finance firms, delivery services, advertising agencies, and government institutions. We offer to test the service completely free of charge! After 14 days, you need to replenish the account in the personal cabinet. If desired, we can make a presentation of the system via Skype. Oki-Toki servers are available in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Germany. And importantly — you can offer your servers for data storage.

Submit your request and receive a detailed consultation from a specialist.

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